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Beck Leavesley - 2024 Sawyer J. Boyd Creatives Grant Recipient

Writer's picture: The Sunset ProjectThe Sunset Project

Earlier this month, The Sunset Project was honored to announce Beck Leavesley of Alpena, Michigan as one of six Sawyer J. Boyd Creatives Grant Recipients for 2024!

After the awards ceremony, we sat down with Beck to discuss her unique story, why she applied, and what she hopes to utilize her funding for!


Can you introduce yourself quickly to those who may not know you already?

My name is Beck Leavesley and I am from Alpena, Michigan. I am a nineteen-year-old writer who is still in love with the stories I read when I was twelve. I am self-publishing my debut novel in Summer 2025 and my stories are full of adventure, magic, and the promise that all is not as it seems. This book is the kickoff to a four-book series and the beginning of my career as an author!

How would you describe your creative pursuit to someone unfamiliar with it?

I am a writer, which means I am obsessed with words, daydreaming, and stories of all kinds. Overall, my job is to nail down a story idea and see it through to completion. The writing process involves countless rewrites, critiques, and drafts to mold it into a cohesive story that someone would enjoy reading. The end goal is to have a book that brings people on a new adventure, introduces them to new characters, and challenges their thinking with an engaging narrative.

What or who inspired you to pursue a career in this space?

I have always been inspired by the books I read when I was in school. Even as an adult, I still find myself going back to those stories as some of the best books I’ve ever read. Being homeschooled, my parents were diligent in introducing me and my siblings to books we would love and encouraging us to read. I can still remember the moment in middle school when I read the last sentence in Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and deciding that I wanted to be a writer. I hope my stories can help someone fall in love with reading the way those books did for me.

Can you share a memorable experience or milestone from your creative journey?

The best part of writing is being able to share it with others. It took me a few drafts to be confident enough in my story to send it to others, but once it was ready, it was the most rewarding experience. I was able to send it to seven close critique partners for feedback and seeing their experience of reading my book reminded me why I was writing in the first place. One reader told me that I had somehow managed to capture her feelings of anxiety and struggles in my main character. Hearing that changed how I viewed my writing because I realized just how much my stories could mean to someone.

How have challenges or setbacks shaped your approach and vision?

I believe that every setback is simply another opportunity to learn and grow as an artist. I like to think of myself as a character in a story: a story without obstacles is a story where the characters don’t grow. I once received some very discouraging feedback from a reader, but it helped me learn more about my target audience, demographics, and how to take criticism that isn’t always constructive or offered with good intentions. Like a hero on an adventure, every challenge brings me closer to my goal and shapes me into a better artist.

How do you envision your creative passion evolving over the next year?

In a year, I want to have my debut novel out and available for purchase to kickstart my career as an author. Writing is a lonely pursuit and I am excited for this next year to finally share my story with others, make connections with other readers and writers, and promote my book in a professional capacity. I have countless ideas for marketing opportunities and special bonus content to include with the book so I am thrilled to start finalizing those plans, as well. This coming year is really the start of my career as an author and I am so excited to see it happen.

How do you plan to utilize your grant funding to further your creative journey?

This grant money will go towards hiring an editor for my book. My project has gone through five drafts now and over a dozen special-access readers have given me feedback to make it the best it can be. However, I cannot do everything myself, and hiring an editor is the next step to get my book ready for publication. To have someone critique it on a professional level is a crucial step in the writing process and I am so thankful for the grant money that will make this possible.

What advice or message would you share with someone looking to pursue their own creative dreams?

At the end of the day, learn to respect your work, your process, and your art. Above all, make sure you are proud of what you’ve accomplished because that will take you farther than any outside praise. When you do things with respect, you learn to value them. The things that you value, you will do greatly.

Are there any social media profiles, websites, or other resources where our readers can follow your journey and/or support your work?

You can follow my journey on YouTube (@beckleavesley) and Instagram (@beckleavesley)! I post about books I love, fun writing challenges, as well as sneak peeks, and bonus content about my debut novel. The best way to support me is to follow and share with any friends or family members who are in the market for a YA modern fantasy adventure!

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience,

dreams, or the impact of The Sunset Project on your creative pursuits?

When I first saw the application, I thought it was too good to be true and I almost didn’t apply. Hearing the experience of the previous grant recipients pushed me to just go for it and I’m so glad I did! This truly changes everything for me and my books. To have people who are willing to take a chance on a young creative, to invest in them, and to believe in them is beyond life-changing. I am forever thankful for this opportunity.

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